Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Keeping the Friend Close and the Frienemy Closer

I have always been a fan of the great strategist San Tzu, which is the reason I have to write this blog tonight, why is it so? For one it is something that has been happenning to me recently.

How can you tell if a person is being true to tou or is just using you? How can you tell if someone is lying? Any sort.of himts to know of a frìend or.foe?  These are just some of the questions our minds would ask us, but why is it that we can't think of these questions when we first met a person or a person who pretended to be a friend? 

Usually how do we make friends, we ask questions about them, we tell them a bit of our story and we listen to theirs,  and once we start getting amused we, as humans, startputting our guard down. We let ourselves be vulnerable to just about anything, in the end , manipulation starts, they start disrespecting our words and in our own mindset since we got programmed by the person to trust him or her, we open ourselves directly to get hit and get hit harder by this same person who we thought cares about us,this person who we called friend.

The Frienemy
As you learned that you got manipilated by the same person who you called friend, friendship becomes frienemism, when you are together you let them be your friend, but right after that you as the victim, try to distant yourself by placing a wall between you and the frienemy, how did she or he becomes oe? Simple, you give them a hand and they took your entire arm, help them once and they will take everything you own, the only thing they wont tke from you would be your capacity to breathe.

Why do you have to keep the frienemy closer? Because its the most positive way to stay out of trouble yet the most easiest way to find out of what they are planning to do. When you approach these people as your friend you tend to show them openess that they may put their guards down and let you do what they have you for them. 

Its not a very simple thing to do, being friends with the same person who would want your head on the chopping board, but one thing I am certain, I have done it and experience it and it is not easy but to protect yourself and the people you love then someone has to do it. Like this other saying say, choose your friends wisely,  and trust more on yourself than that of others