Saturday, December 21, 2019

Venture Success: Learning the strategist’s strategy to greatness

Dana Cruz
writer/philosopher/graphic designer/webdesigner/
Work, it is the most ideal way to start up the good life after graduation, the experience is always needed by one to make it in this fast pacing world. Although not everyone is most likely going to make it towards the higher ground, thus the start of making something from scratch, small business to start off to achieve greater standings in the business world.

In this article I would be talking about how one should relate with the teachings of a great strategist, Sun Tzu, the Chinese strategist that gave the world his teachings in the Art of War.

Sun Tzu’s teachings are usually used during military missions, but these can also be used when you are starting up a business or maybe even in the middle of climbing that economic ladder, in one of his teachings he said that we should learn how to make our enemies believe something that doesn’t exist, meaning-making them believe that you are always one step ahead of them, a good example would be creating promotions and advertising.  In another one of his teachings he said something about its better to capture the army or a regiment than to destroy them, in the corporate’s point of view it is wiser to create a partnership or a merging than to completely try to rage war against your rival company.

The reason I have decided to write about this is to share what some of the greatest people in business have read and learned, is to make people realize that no matter how great or how small they are, there is always a way to get up to cross that bridge and build a better future.  Venturing success starts in greater understanding and wisdom.

Let this be the start of a new series of blog articles that are inclined to life and philosophy.

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