Monday, May 4, 2020

How are you Living? in the Past?The Present? or the Future?

The urban area, the city is for people who loves the idea of workingand living in a faster pace, but what makes it so attractive to those coutry dwellers that they tend to sell their lands and move ito the big city? Is it the way they live?  How do the live? The changes it may bring?

According to Lao Tzu, if you are Depressed you are living in the past. People tend to give life to those experiences they have encountered in the past,most often these memories arre those about the negative past. When a person recalls a negative memory the person tend to accumulate a hateful or depressing feeling that may effect a certain persons lifestylè at present. Thus creating a more disturbing present and behavior which may cause depression and anxiety which can lead to something more deep as mental illnesses.

A person in a depressive state may attract different kinds of negativity which is why it is wiser to learn moving on or at least pick up a hobby, anything that will take your mind off of the negative past. Keepingyour mind busy usually heals the heart which can influence the start of being ble to move on.

Lao Tzu said: if you are Anxious you are living in the Future, it was said that whatever the future may bring, it is the the reault of what you did in the past.  I believe that that saying is true as whatever negative state I was in in the past it surely paved the way to a stronger me in the future. Being anxious or excites ia something we cannot just let it go specially if the future holds  lot of plans that could bring progress to the people. I personally, think I am one of those.people who tend to be this way as I think of what is to be after this lockdown after the quarantine is over, its not bad to think about what is to come but a person have to consider how to put such plan in to a better.perspective, or how to make sure that tha particular plan .will be implemented. Yes it does have something to do with setting up a time frame and setting up your goal. I am not saying that none of your plan will work if you dont set up anytjing but wont it be a little better if you start by organizing your plas way ahead of schedule?

If you are living in Peace then you are living in the Present. Why is it that people like to think ahead and what does reminicing the past do to an individual? Personally living in the past gave me.depression and looking forward in the future.gave me.anxiety at times, living in the present means having a worry free life, a person wjo lives one day at a time and live thier life that particular day to its full potential makes life worth living, the past should be left alone for is to be able to think clearly on what is it to be done at the present to create a better and brighter future.

It was never told why people seem to hold on to what is already been done, why cant they stop planning ahead when they can have peace of.mind living at the NOW, what we did in the past let alone is already been done, what we do at present is what we harvest for tomorrow , it still runs in  the theory of cause and effect or some people call it KARMA.

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