Friday, May 8, 2020

The Theory of Cause and Effect

Ever wonder why something happens they way you dont plan it to happen? Why some people lile to compare themselves to their successful peers? Have you ever asked yourself, why is this happening to me? Today I will be discussing to you the theory of cause and effect, its a theory on how karma or the karnic effect works on most of us, or as confucius say:  study the past  define the future. Whatever you do in the past will reflecton the future, this is so true in the theory of cause and effect, as when you do good deeds, good things comes back to you in several folds. However when you do deeds the opposite will still come back to you harder than any human can imagine, but have you ever notice? Doing good things take time for the retuns to get your reward?

Here are several reason why it usually takes time for your rewards in life to come back. 

Your Family
Your family plays a huge role when it lifes rewards of you are happy with your parents and vice versa it opens up karmic doors to a more positive outcome for you,  always remember the saying family first and all the rest will follow.

Your Choices
Choosing the people you make friends with, making sacrifices for the greater good, choosing the right people to be working  with all play different roles for your positive outcome. If the person you are working with is not happy with the way you lead them chances are very shakey for you. People may have envied you may start thinking ill of you which may cause you more harm than good, laying off people who are not good for your project is a good sacrifice for you to start making better progress, as doing this may not just work for you but it can also be good for those who have full trust in you.

Study the past for you to define the future- Confucius
Learning on how things startes will always be the key to a more a more faborable outcome. As what happens in the past will always pave the way to the future. But what if aomethkng goes wrong? What if it did not turned out the way things are planned? What will you do?  How do you fix a problem that is in the now? The answers tou seek will always come from where it all started.

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